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Action required to halt crustacean crises in UK seas

Conservation charity, Buglife, is raising concern about declining populations of crabs and lobsters, highlighting the lack of attention, protection and stewardship they are given, and calling for improved protection measures...


#RestoreNature Joint Statement

On International Day of Action for Rivers, 207 organisations, including Buglife, are calling upon all EU Member States, Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission to #RestoreNature and...


Buglife set to create a buzz across London

Conservation charity Buglife are pleased to announce that a new B-Line has been mapped across London as they extend their UK-wide network of ‘insect superhighways’. B-Lines are designed to reconnect...


Government puts bees at risk once again

The Government, for the third year running, has allowed for a banned bee-harming pesticide to be used by Sugar Beet farmers in England, threatening our precious pollinators In making the...
