
Leaving a legacy to Buglife is the most lasting gift you can make. By remembering Buglife in your Will, you can help ensure that rare bugs, snails, bees, wasps, ants, spiders, beetles and many other fascinating little animals flourish so that future generations can enjoy and benefit from them.

Two free Online will writing platforms available via Buglife

Our Legacy Promise

  1. We understand your Will is personal to you and promise to respect your privacy
  2. We will never ask you the size or type of gift if you decide to support our work this way
  3. We recognise, that rightly, your own family and friends come first in your will
  4. Because of the difference gifts in Wills make to Buglife we will continue to encourage people to leave a gift but we understand that it is your decision which needs to be made in your own time
  5. We would love to hear if you have left a gift, so that we can thank you, but there is no pressure to say so or to keep us informed of any changes to your intentions. If you would prefer us to leave you alone, just let us know
  6. We fully understand that personal circumstances change and there may be a time when you change your mind about a gift in your Will to Buglife
  7. We promise to use your gift wisely and ensure it has the greatest impact
  8. We will handle whatever gift you leave us with respect and sensitivity

Help and advice

Your will is an opportunity to ensure your possessions and property go where you wish and that your family and friends are provided for. Once you have looked after your loved ones it is also a chance to remember your favourite charity. Making and changing your Will is easier then you may think.

Make a will free on-line with Buglife

Frequently asked questions:

What can I leave?

Every gift in every Will makes a difference however larger or small. You can leave any share, percentage or fraction to anyone or any charity. For example this could be 1% to your favourite charity.

There are three main ways you can leave a gift to Buglife in your Will:

  • Residuary Legacy – when you leave the residue/or a share of the residue of your estate – i.e. what is left when all other gifts and liabilities have been paid
  • Pecuniary Legacy– when you leave a fixed sum of money
  • Specific Gift– when you leave a specific item such as land, a house or an item of value

Because it is likely that Buglife will not receive your gift for sometime after you have made your Will; not specifying in your Will how we should use your gift allows us to use it for the most urgent action required at the time. However if you would particularly like your gift to be linked to a specific area of our work please contact us before you finalise your Will. We can then be certain that we are able to meet your wishes and that your gift provides a true testament of your love of invertebrates and natural heritage.

How do I make a Will?

When making a will please always seek professional advice. Local wills and probate solicitors in your area can be found at http://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/. Or use our free on-line partners Beyond or Kwil. Some suggested wording to use can be found in the grey box below.

How can I change an existing Will?

The easiest ways to make additions or minor alterations is by making a Codacil. Using a Codicil you can add an instruction without having to amend any of the terms of your existing Will. If you wish to add a gift to Buglife, for example, you could use our example form.

We always recommend that your codicil is checked by a solicitor.

What information will I need to include if leaving a gift to Buglife?

You will need our name, our address and our registered charity number, which are as follows:

Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust
G.06, Allia Future Business Centre,
London Road,

Charity Registered in England & Wales 1092293.
Charity Registered in Scotland SC040004

Can I save Inheritance Tax with my gift?

Charitable gifts are exempt from inheritance tax and any charitable gifts left in your will are taken out of your estate before tax is calculated. If your estate is above the inheritance tax threshold of £450,000 (2019) then a gift to charity could reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax payable. In addition, changes to the law in 2012 also mean that, if you leave 10 % of your estate to charity the tax due on your estate as a whole may be paid at a reduced rate. For further up-to-date information, please consult a solicitor or see the government’s web page.

Can I speak to anyone about leaving a gift to Buglife?

Please contact Paul Hetherington email if you would like to discuss leaving a gift to Buglife in your Will.

Information for Executors

If Buglife is a beneficiary in a Will that you are administrating please contact Paul Hetherington on the email above or write to:

Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust
G.06, Allia Future Business Centre,
London Road,

Gifts in memory

Wording to use in a codicil

This is a codicil of……..(name) of………(address) to my Will dated (date).
I give (details of bequest as illustrated below) to Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust, G.06, Allia Future Business Centre, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN, Registered Charity Number 1092293, to be applied to Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust for its charitable purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge. In all other respects, I confirm my
Will dated (date of original Will).

Wording to use in a Will

If you do decide to leave us a legacy it is very important that the wording is accurate. If there is any doubt over the name or any other detail of the charity this will delay and may even cancel the legacy. Below are examples of the wording that you should use, please note that it is very important that you use the full name for Buglife and also include our full address details together with our charity number. Doing this will ensure that there is no doubt that the gift you are leaving is intended for us.

To leave a share of your estate (a residuary legacy):

I give all or a share (please state the percentage or fraction) of the residue of my estate absolutely to Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust, G.06, Allia Future Business Centre, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN, Registered Charity Number 1092293, to be applied to Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust for its charitable purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge.

To leave a specific sum (a pecuniary gift):

I give Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust, G.06, Allia Future Business Centre, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN, Registered Charity Number 1092293, the sum (write the amount in figures and words) to be applied to Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust for its charitable purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge.

To leave a specific item:

I give Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust, G.06, Allia Future Business Centre, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN, Registered Charity Number 1092293, (insert a comprehensive description of whatever you wish to give) to be applied to Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust for its charitable purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge.

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