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Glywoch chi’r diweddaraf am y B-Lines?

Mae dwy ysgol gynradd yn Sandfields, Castell-nedd Port Talbot wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Buglife Cymru ac artist lleol i greu animeiddiadau ysbrydoledig i gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth am sut y gall...


Have you got the B-Line Buzz?

Two primary schools in Sandfields, Neath Port Talbot have been working with Buglife Cymru and a local artist to create inspiring animations to raise awareness of how B-Lines can help...


Thunderbirds are No!

A coalition of charities has welcomed the decision by BBC Studios and ITV Studios to withdraw their support for a proposed theme park in North Kent that would have a...


Truly Back from the Brink

Almost one hundred threatened species in England have seen their prospects of survival improved after 5 years of concerted emergency work by nearly 100 organisations funded by the National Lottery...


Aquatic insects in hot water

Research published this month reveals that insects in British fresh waters are potentially at risk from climate change. The study, lead by Buglife’s Conservation Director Craig Macadam, was published in...


Government puts bees at risk

The Government, for the second year running, has allowed for a banned bee-harming pesticide to be used by sugar beet farmers in England, threatening our precious pollinators In making the...
