18 September 2013 What a lovely afternoon at High Street Primary School. Buglife joined in with the After-School Gardening Club to plant some more plug plants alongside the school field....
18 September 2013 What a lovely afternoon at High Street Primary School. Buglife joined in with the After-School Gardening Club to plant some more plug plants alongside the school field....
A site visit to Marlborough Primary School this afternoon turned into an impromptu bug hunt. The grounds are fantastic and School Gardening Session leader Deb is involving all year groups...
I’ve just come back from a site visit to Montpelier Primary School in Plymouth. What fantastic work they have done on their grounds since I visited and shared some ideas...
A little help from our friends… Spring has finally arrived and so have the April showers. Fortunately, the sun was out on Wednesday afternoon when Millfields Trust and Oak class...
Buzzing Spring bees & cuckoos! A short visit to our new meadow in Central Park today, and we found lots of buzzing mining bees – including the Ashy mining bee...
We need your help to plant a buzzing meadow! When? Sunday 12th May, 11am-1pm Where? Stonehouse Park, Plymouth Come and help us to plant wildflowers in Stonehouse Park to help...
Stonehouse Park Meadow Creation Having seen the weather forecast, I thought I would be on my own planting 500 wildflower plugs in Stonehouse Park. Fortunately 10 brave volunteers joined us...
A Little Patch of Ground Today we visited a new project for Plymouth’s Buzzing. A Little Patch of Ground is a community food growing project in Efford. Residents of all...
A Buzzing Bug Day at Central Park! Join us on Saturday 8th June in Central Park to find out what has moved in to our new meadow! Lots of fun...
Loving a Buzzing Park in Love Parks Week Volunteers Beth, Anthony and Stuart joined Rupert and Chris in Central Park Meadow for a Love Parks Week Plymouth’s Buzzing Bug Hunt....