Latest Blog Posts

UK Parliament Celebrates Bees and Pollinators

Last Wednesday (30 April 2014) Buglife and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Biodiversity hosted a “Pollinator Strategy Reception and Bee Walk” in the House of Commons – focussed on...


Unequal distribution of aid

Many people love ladybirds, earthworms, bumblebees, butterflies and other bugs and the vast majority of people understand that invertebrates are essential for healthy ecosystems.  But people generally don’t spend a...


Help Our Government to Help Our Pollinators

The Government is currently consulting the public on what it should do to protect our pollinators.  This is your chance to tell them how much you care about securing healthy...


Big is Best but not for Bugs

This week's blog is a guest feature – by Germaine Greer. Germaine is Buglife’s President and has been helping the charity to champion the cause of ‘saving the small things that run the...


Whitleigh’s Buzzing

Whitleigh has been a hive of activity lately. After site preparation of the meadow was completed by Plymouth City Council, Plymouth's Buzzing was joined on Tuesday 11 March by two...


A Whale of a Decision

On the last day of March the International Court of Justice took a momentous decision. It ruled that Japan’s whaling activities in the Southern Oceans were commercial and not scientific. ...


The Drugs (Neonicotinoids) Don’t Work

For over 20 years Neonicotinoid pesticides have been pushed onto British farmers by the agrochemical industry, becoming the most abundantly used insecticides. We already know they are a high risk...


Is it ‘cos I is small?

*Warning: 'Is it 'cos I is small' – UK cultural Ali G comedy reference – international readers may prefer the title ‘Species discrimination – the elephant in the room We all...


Save wildlife – close the UK borders to plants

A flatworm that overwhelms snails in a “gang attack” and has caused many extinctions when introduced to other parts of the world has now arrived in Europe.  Urgent action is...
