This Save a Spider Day we are asking our young supporters to create a poster showing just how much they love spiders!
Are you 5-11 years old?
Is there a specific spider you love?
Have you saved a spider?
Do you know an interesting spider fact or facts?
Spiders are cute; they’re cunning; they’re full of character and we’re really excited to see your fantastic poster designs; share your “spiderific” knowledge with us and help us show just how important and amazing spiders are!
There are some brilliant spiders in the UK which you can learn about in the process; or maybe one is already your favourite?
- The humble House Spider (Tegenaria sp.) shares our homes;
- The loveable Ladybird Spider (Eresus sandaliatus) is found along the Dorset coast;
- The gorgeous Garden Cross Spider (Araneus diadematus) weaving elaborate webs overnight;
- The funnel-weaving Hobo Spider (Tegenaria agrestis) hiding in its tunnel-web.
Want to find out more about some of our spider species? Have a look at our “Guide to common house spiders” or check out the British Arachnological Society’s Cobweb Corner.
Need a bit of inspiration? Check out the below created by Lucy Hodson aka Lucy Lapwing (click the images to make them bigger)

Important Information:
Please ask your parent, carer or teacher to send your completed poster via email, in either .jpg or .pdf format, to: [email protected] entering “Save a Spider Competition” as the email subject and making sure the entrants name and age are either included in the email or the file name of the poster.
- Competition Opens: 14 March 2023
- Competition Closes: 14 April 2023
- Winners will be notified and published online: 22 April 2023
- 1st Prize: “There’s a spider in my bath!” book and Itsy plushy toy (Hannah Titania Middleton ~ author, illustrator)
- Runner-up Prizes (two available): “There’s a spider in my bath!” book (Hannah Titania Middleton ~ author, illustrator)
By submitting your poster you are giving us permission to share your artwork with our members & supporters via email and social media channels