Latest Blog Posts

Celebrating Bugs

I feel as if this blog has been quite downbeat over the last few months.  I have been drawing attention to the many problems that bugs face in society. Problems such...


Bug Talk Bugs Me

At Buglife we frequently wince at the distain, discrimination and disregard that we humans talk about the vast, wonderful and down-right essential spectrum of invertebrate life. Clearly some bugs do...


Selling Bugs

This week is a guest blog – by Buglife’s Director of Communications and Fundraising, Paul Hetherington. Enjoy. Matt Shardlow. Selling bugs is quite a challenge, but it shouldn’t be. The...


Where Less is More

This week is a guest blog – by Buglife’s Director of Conservation, Craig Macadam. Enjoy. Matt Shardlow. Unless you’ve been on a different planet you’ve probably noticed that the 20th...


Back in Blighty, what’s next?

Now back in the UK after another three days on the Royal Mail Ship and then three days waiting for the connecting flight from Ascension to the UK, I have...


The Drugs (Neonicotinoids) Don’t Work 3

The controversy over the cost effectiveness of neonicotinoid pesticides continues to grow.  In response to a request from Members of Parliament to provide peer reviewed evidence that neonicotinoids are cost...
