Bug Identification Tips

Not sure what you’ve found? Use our resources to help you find out..

Use the resources in this section to help you find out what it is you have found.

The Pollinator Identification Chart will help you to identify and learn more about pollinating invertebrates.

The Bug Identification Chart can help you find out where the bug you have found fits within the animal kingdom.

The videos below provide a great guide to the identification of a number of species.

Identification Workshops


Introduction to Carrion Beetles


Solitary bee identification

Butterflies and Moths

The role of Butterflies and moths


Introduction to Deadwood Invertebrates


Introduction to Dragonflies

Freshwater Invertebrates

Introduction to Freshwater Invertebrates

Invasive non-Native Freshwater Species


Introduction to Mayflies

Recording Riverflies

Identification of Mayfly Larvae


Introduction to spiders part 1

Introduction to spiders part 2

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