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Don’t get bogged down with peat…

…blog by Craig Macadam, Buglife Conservation Director. Peat bogs are ancient habitats, formed over thousands of years by the growth and decay of damp-loving Sphagnum mosses. This is an incredibly...


What’s in a name….?

Our given names are capitalised.  It’s taken as read that names of countries, places, companies, even cars, are all capitalised.  Instantly recognised as a name; a noun, something of importance....


Why bugs matter to me…

…Guest Blog from Dee Lawlor.  Dee Lawlor is a STEM Communicator and bat rehabilitator based in Scotland.  I’m sitting at my computer in my home office. From where I sit,...


Light. The last socially accepted pollution?

The Environment Act has become law, COP26 has been and gone. Progress has been made on addressing the climate and biodiversity crisis, with still some way to go. However, despite...


I’m a crayfish, get me out of here

Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to UK biodiversity. There are laws to prevent the release of non-resident species and laws that regulate the import, export, trade, keeping...


London Resort – a fact check

Buglife is no stranger to standing up for bugs and fighting to save nationally important wildlife sites from being lost to development. Whether on sand dunes at Coul Links, peat...


A Week in the Life of a Buglife Intern

My name is Kaitlyn Elverson and I’m the Conservation Assistant for the Severn B-Lines Project, which marks my first step into the conservation world. Since starting in March 2021, it’s...
