Latest Blog Posts

Save the bees! (but which ones?)

By Buglife’s Countries Manager Andrew Whitehouse Contrary to popular belief, adding more honeybees is not the answer to pollinator declines. In fact, it may do more harm than good. What...


Gangly-legged heralds of spring!

“Yuk! What are all of these horrible black flies?  They’re all horrible and hairy and have horrible dangly legs!”  My daughter is clearly not feeling the love for the ‘love...


Deciding to harm nature

Last Friday afternoon, just when journalists were clocking off and the Saturday papers were being compiled for the printers, Defra announced that they would be allowing farmers to once again...


Great Stag Hunt success 2020

The People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) had a fantastic response to the 2020 Great Stag Hunt, with more than double the usual number of records submitted. The Back from...


Swanscombe Stories #4 – The Raven

A guest blog from local wildlife enthusiast Dave Clark I`m a birder. I like watching birds. Wherever they are, I`m rarely without my `bins`, a birder’s vernacular for binoculars. I...


Swanscombe Stories #3 – Ode to a Pylon

Guest blog by Daniel Greenwood I first visited Swanscombe Marshes in March 2015. Spring was in the offing, a cold wind blew off the Thames. My friend introduced me and...
