Dornoch Firth Gene © Selkov (Flickr, CC)

 Important Invertebrate Areas  About IIAs Selecting and Mapping IIAs Supporting Invertebrate Conservation IIAs in Planning   IIA Landscapes  Single Species IIAs  Using IIA Maps and Profiles FAQ  IIA Data Providers   IIA Document Library 

Important Invertebrate Areas (IIAs) are the best places in Great Britain for our invertebrates, which have been identified using the most up-to-date data available from over 80 national expert recording schemes. They support some of our rarest and most threatened species, vulnerable habitats and unique assemblages of invertebrates.


Coming Soon!


Whilst we are waiting for the FAQ page to be populated this nationally relevant presentation introduces Important Invertebrate Areas (IIA) work, what we have done and the next steps and may answer some of your questions (originally recorded as part of a mapping workshop for the Somerset Levels IIA).

If not send an email with your question to [email protected] with the subject Important Invertebrate Areas

This short presentation from Tom Thompson (Buglife’s GIS Officer) will also give you a brief overview (originally recorded from the NBN Conference 2020 is: “Important Invertebrate Areas – Harnessing Data and Building the Network”.)