Falkirk’s Pollinator Way

Camelon public park © Suzanne Burgess

This partnership project between Falkirk Council and Buglife transformed regularly mown amenity grassland at several in parks along B-Lines, across Falkirk, into attractive and diverse wildflower and grassland meadows. These areas are providing vital forage and nesting habitat for pollinating insects including bumblebees, hoverflies and butterflies. Additionally, these areas are also benefiting other invertebrates, birds, small mammals and people to.

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Quick Facts:

  • Name of Project:  Falkirk Pollinator Way
  • Duration of Project: 2017-2019
  • Location of Project: Falkirk, Scotland
  • Species benefiting from Project: Pollinators and other invertebrates, birds and small mammals.
  • Project funded by: Avondale Environmental, part of the NPL Group through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund, Scottish Natural Heritage, and Falkirk Council.

These enhanced wildlife areas were all in in public parks with large areas of amenity grassland that had previously been identified as opportunities within the John Muir Pollinator Way project. The selected parks included Camelon Public Park, Ash Park (in Banknock), Princes Park and Policy Bing in Hallglen and Summerford Park. The parks are close enough together within Falkirk to form a series of stepping stones which pollinators and other wildlife can use to move and mix between. Now known as ‘Pollinator Parks’, they were transformed by sowing a native and diverse seed mix, planting native wildflower plug plants and bulbs, leaving grassland uncut and managing the parks appropriately for wildlife.

Primary schools and High schools local to the selected parks were invited to help with the creation of these new meadows. This was a fantastic opportunity for schools to learn about the role that their local greenspace plays in supporting pollinating insects and to improve their local area for the use of outdoor learning.

As well as creating habitat, the schools will learn about the pollinators and other wildlife using their area and how they can help monitor these areas. Additionally, this project has encouraged schools to take local ownership of the parks to ensure long-term use of the area for outdoor education and monitoring of the pollinators using the meadows created through this project.

Camelon public park © Suzanne Burgess

This project was funded by Avondale Environmental, part of the NPL Group through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund, Scottish Natural Heritage, and Falkirk Council.

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