Kernow Wyls – People for Pollinators

Devils-bit Scabious Grassland, Cornwall © Claire Pumfrey

Kernow Wyls (Wild Cornwall): People for Pollinators is an ambitious project that will restore at least 25 hectares of wildflower-rich habitat along the north and south coast of Cornwall. It will create a nature-rich travel corridor for our pollinators and other invertebrates to move across the landscape, recolonise sites, increase in numbers, and flourish in the future.

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Quick Facts:

  • Name of Project: Kernow Wyls – People for Pollinators
  • Duration of Project: April 2024 – March 2027
  • Location of Project: Cornwall
  • Species benefiting from Project: Black Oil Beetle (Meloe proscarabaeus), Glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca), Coastal Pearl (Mecyna asinalis), Large Scabious Bee (Andrena hattorfiana), Long-horned Bee (Eucera longicornis), Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus malvae), Hornet Robberfly (Asilus crabroniformis), Zipperback Hoverfly (Chrysotoxum elegans), A weevil (Cathormiocerus maritimus), A weevil (Cleopomiarus micros).
  • Project funded by:  National Lottery Heritage Fund and Mary Berry’s Salad Dressings.
  • Project Partners: Buglife (lead), National Trust, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Wildlife Trust, private land owners and more.

What will the project do?

Buglife will be working with the National Trust, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Wildlife Trust, private landowners and others. The project will aim to restore wildflower-rich habitat for at least 10 rare and threatened invertebrates, including four S41 priority species, by planting more of the required species foodplants, alongside creating additional nesting habitat, removing scrub and by raising awareness for these threatened species.

The restoration and creation of new habitat will enable pollinators, rare invertebrates and other wildlife to freely disperse and re-colonise the landscape by improving the quality and connectivity of habitat corridors and steppingstones within B-Lines and Important Invertebrate Areas.

By raising awareness for these threatened species and other invertebrates, through public engagement and training to a range of audiences across Cornwall’s diverse communities and visitors, we will aim to empower people of all ages to champion our invertebrates.

Large Scabious Mining Bee (Andrena hattorfiana) © Will Hawkes Large Scabious Mining Bee (Andrena hattorfiana) © Will Hawkes

How can you get involved?

You can get involved with Kernow Wyls – People for Pollinators through a series of volunteering opportunities including habitat creation, pollinator surveying, as well as workshops, walks and talks.

We are seeking volunteers to:

  • Get involved with habitat creation and management.
  • Survey pollinators at project sites using the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme.
  • Record and share pollinator sightings by joining the Kernow Wyls – People for Pollinators iRecord group.
  • Add their own pollinator sites to the B-Lines map

Information, advice and support is also available to landowners who would like to learn more about the project and improve their land for pollinators.

For more information on how to get involved in our “Kernow Wyls – Pollinators for People” project please contact our Kernow Wyls Conservation Officer, Scott, at [email protected].

Grizzled Skipper ( Pyrgus malvae) © Ian H Leach Grizzled Skipper ( Pyrgus malvae) © Ian H Leach

Kernow Wyls – Pollinators for People is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Mary Berry’s Salad Dressings.