Urban Buzz Bristol

Urban Buzz Bristol was a project designed to create habitat for our much loved pollinators including bees and butterflies. The project worked across the city with various groups to explore different ways in which sites such as parks, road verges, school grounds and other publicly accessible land could be improved.

Thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of 3,073 volunteers, 108 Buzzing Hotspots were enhanced for pollinators with wildflowers, bug-friendly garden plants, flowering shrubs, nesting habitat and a host of other work. Urban Buzz Bristol worked in high profile locations such as Southmead Hospital, universities, and Eastville Park and with partners including Bristol City Council, South Gloucestershire Council, Avon Wildlife Trust and Bristol Water- all working together to bring colour and wildlife back to our parks and open spaces.

Partners included Bristol City Council, South Gloucestershire Council, Avon Wildlife Trust and Bristol Water.

Main Sponsors

Biffa Award
People's Postcode Lottery

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