Severn B-Lines

(c) Kate Jones

The Severn B-lines project ran from March 2021 to June 2022, addressing pollinator declines in Shropshire. Delivering 16.9 hectares of habitat restoration and creation throughout the county; from near Whitchurch in the north to Bridgnorth in the south. These sites will provide valuable stepping stones of habitats through the urban and rural landscapes of Shropshire.  A series of species-rich grasslands and pollinator friendly flower beds and gardens will provide forage and nesting habitat for our pollinating insects, as well as beautiful places for people to enjoy. 

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Quick Facts:

  • Name of Project:  Severn B-Lines
  • Duration of Project: March 2021 – June 2022
  • Location of Project: Shropshire, from near Whitchurch in the North to Bridgnorth in the South.
  • Species benefiting from Project:  There was no specific species focus for this project; work was carried out to benefit all pollinators.
  • Project funded by: Defra through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund administered by National Lottery Heritage Fund.

What are B-Lines?

B-lines (short for Biodiversity Lines) are a simple, yet elegant, landscape-scale approach to help address pollinator declines. Since the 1930s we have lost a staggering 97% of semi-natural grasslands in the UK; that’s the equivalent to an area the size of Wales). Urbanization, agricultural intensification and development have dwindled wildflower-rich habitats to marooned islands in an increasingly busy world. Meaning pollinators cannot move to find food, nest or hibernation sites, or in response to climate change.

Just as we have created a more mobile and connected landscape for ourselves, we need to do the same for our wildlife – creating habitats that are bigger, better and more joined up.


What did the Severn B-Lines project do?

Over the course of Severn B-Lines in addition to 16.9hectares of habitat restoration and creation throughout Shropshire, a number of other outcomes were achieved. A diverse programme of events was delivered with almost 2000 attendees and the project benefited from volunteers donating 250 hours of time to help rake up grass cuttings, sow seeds, spread green hay, cut grass and plant plug plants.  A webinar series saw guest speakers like Dave Goulson and Professor Jeff Ollerton talk about the importance of pollinators and their relationship with plants, those webinars can still be accessed on the Buglife Youtube channel.

Local specialists Nigel Jones (entomologist) and John Handley (botanist) delivered species identification and monitoring workshops, you can still check out Nigel Jones wonderful pollinator ID workshop on the Buglife Youtube channel.

Severn B-Lines worked with six different schools delivering educational and practical sessions about  pollinators and what can be done to help them. School children helped plant a pollinator garden in Dawley Town Park and Worfield School created their own pollinator garden within their school grounds.

The project also worked with landowner cluster groups within Shropshire; attending meetings to raise awareness of the B-lines network and delivering a workshop on habitat creation for pollinators.

Worfield Pollinator Garden and sessions

Visit one of our public restoration sites and take a look at our B-lines work for yourself:


Grove Park: SO 72571 92699

This park in Bridgnorth hosts a brand new play area and a brand new meadow. Do have a wander through the grass and flowers and see what you can spot. There is an information board to help you with your ID and a meadow-themed bench to relax on.

Bench at Grove Park


Dawley Town Park, Pollinator Garden: SJ 68242 07311

This urban park is now host to a pollinator garden which Buglife and Dawley Town Council planted up in summer 2022, with the help of community groups and volunteers. This will be a spot full of nectar-rich flowers, larval foodplants and nesting areas for solitary bees.

Sand planter in Dawley

Well Meadows: SO 71884 92323

These riverside meadows in Bridgnorth underneath the A458 are grassy with taller species like Knapweed and Oxeye daisy. A lovely place to stroll around and you can read about the different species present on our information board next to the river.

Although the Severn B-Lines project has now ended, its legacy lives on.  If you are inspired to do your bit for pollinators then make sure you add you pollinator patch to our B-lines East and Midlands of England map, you can also take a look at our B-Lines or Gardening for Bugs webpages for tips and ideas on what you can do to help our pollinators.

We’d like to thank all the partners involved in the Severn B-Lines project: Shropshire Wildlife Trust, private landowners, Telford & Wrekin Council, Bridgnorth Town Council and Dawley Town Council.

Read the Severn B-Lines Evaluation Report to find out more about the project and what was achieved.

Well Meadow Planting & Seeding

Watch the launch event for the Severn B-Lines project

Pollinator Monitoring Workshop with Nigel Jones

Myth, mystery and Folklore

Silent Earth with Dave Goulson

“Severn B-Lines” was funded by Defra through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund administered by National Lottery Heritage Fund, and Milkywire

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