Freshwater Policy and Campaign Work

Many of our freshwater invertebrates are declining in the face of pollution, invasive species, abstraction and development. Buglife is campaigning for freshwater to be understood, respected and conserved.

Buglife raises awareness of issues affecting freshwater as well as carrying out research and conservation for freshwater invertebrates and their habitats; focusing on species and habitats not covered by other conservation organisations.

Policy relating to freshwater habitats and invertebrates

Buglife’s representative on the relevant working groups of the Wildlife and Countryside Link (WCL) works to influence UK policy relevant to freshwater. WCL’s role is to keep a watching brief on relevant government policy on behalf of environmental and conservation organisations. This allows environmental organisations that do not have the capacity to address all areas of important freshwater policy and legislation to target the policy areas relevant to them, such as:

  • European Community: Water Framework Directive
  • Rare and threatened freshwater species and habitats
  • Agri-environment schemes
  • Blueprint for Water Campaign
  • Pesticide Sustainable Use Directive

Freshwater Campaign Work

Buglife also highlights current issues relating to freshwater habitats in the media, through our project work and by liaison with statutory and other conservation organisations. Successful campaigns have included:

Freshwater issues Buglife is involved in researching include:

  • Riverfly decline (in collaboration with the Riverfly Partnership)
  • The affect of pesticides on freshwater invertebrates
  • The affect of pharmaceuticals and personal care products on freshwater invertebrates
  • Whether UK legislation effectively conserves freshwater invertebrates

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