
There are estimated to be between 20,000-30,000 solitary bee species worldwide with over 240 species of solitary bee in the UK alone!

Below you can find out a little more about just some of them, both here in the UK and further afield.


If you have solitary bee photos you’d like to share, join in with our monthly #SolitaryBeeHour on the 1st day of every month at 1:00pm on Twitter; be sure to tag us @buzz_dont_tweet and use the hashtag #SolitaryBeeHour

  • Top Tip:  Look out for little “volcanos” of loose soil appearing in your garden or lawn; they could be solitary bee nests!


Welcome to the Wonderful World of Solitary Bees

Large Scabious Mining Bee (Andrena hattorfiana) © Will Hawkes

Large Scabious Mining Bee

(Andrena hattorfiana)

Northern Colletes

(Colletes floralis)

Gooden’s Nomad Bee (Nomada goodeniana) © Steven Falk

Six-banded Nomad Bee

(Nomada sexfasciata)

Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis) © Steven Falk

Red Mason Bee

(Osmia bicornis)

Hairy-footed Flower Bee (Anthophora plumipes) © Natural England-Allan Drewitt (Flickr CC)

Hairy-footed Flower Bee

(Anthophora plumipes)

Long-horned Mining Bee (Eucera longicornis) © John Walters

Long-horned Bee

(Eucera longicornis)

Buffish Mining Bee (Andrena nigroaenea) © John Walters

Buffish Mining Bee

(Andrena nigroaenea)

Cliff Mason Bee (Osmia xanthomelana)a © Liam Olds

Cliff Mason Bee

(Osmia xanthomelana)

Northern Mining Bee

(Andrena ruficrus)

Tawny Mining Bee

Tawny Mining Bee

(Andrena fulva)

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Tag us and share your solitary bee journey using the hashtags #SolitaryBeeWeek | #WearYourStripes | #ShareYourStripes | #EarnYourStripes

Join in with our monthly #SolitaryBeeHour on the 1st day of every month at 1:00pm on Twitter; be sure to tag us @buzz_dont_tweet and use the hashtag #SolitaryBeeHour