Vote for Bees

Ask your MP to vote for bees and wild pollinators

On 20th October, MPs have the opportunity to vote for bees and other pollinators, by including a clause improving the pesticide approval process in the Environment Bill.

Buglife worked with Members of the House of Lords and other bee conservation charities to include the amendment to the bill to ensure that the long-term effects on bees and wild pollinators are carefully considered before pesticides are approved for use – the current process does not include this assessment.

While the House of Lords voted to include this amendment, it is not secure yet. MPs now must decide on the final laws to be included in the Bill.

Please write to your MP and ask them to vote for Bee’s and Pollinators.

The steps are simple:

Step 1

Find out who your MP is and their contact details here.

Step 2

Use the draft text below to write to your MP. All you need to do is insert your MP’s Name and sign off the letter with your name.

You can amend the letter if you want and include your own reasons for protecting bees and pollinators.

Step 3

Once you have modified the letter, either email or send a physical copy to your MP copying in [email protected]

Step 4

Don’t forget to let us know what your MP says. Email us with their reply to [email protected]



House of Commons,






Vote for Bees

I am writing to you as my MP to ask for you to vote for bees in the upcoming Environment Bill debate on the 20th of October.

The Environment Bill has been amended to include a clause that directly protects our bees and other pollinators. Clause 75 will ensure that the long-term effects on bees and wild pollinators are carefully considered before pesticides are approved for use – the current process omits this assessment.

Pollinators are essential to a healthy countryside and agricultural production, but recent pesticide use has caused a reduction in the overwintering success of honeybee hives,  has driven 40% of wild bee species from large areas of the countryside, and has contributed to butterfly declines, this ecological damage reduces pollination services and crop yields.

In 2010 the Government concluded that pre-approval tests for pesticides were inadequate to protect pollinators, but the UK has yet to introduce any new tests to help ensure that future pesticides are pollinator safe. Current approval tests for pesticides only look at short term effects on Honeybees. This fails to secure long-term safety, or to protect wild pollinators.

While the legislation says that pesticides that cause unacceptable harm to the environment must not be approved, if new chemicals are approved without adequate pollinator safety data then a blind eye is being turned.

Risk assessments of pesticides must be independent and scientific, and the public must have the opportunity to participate in this important environmental decision making.  The ‘Protection of pollinators from pesticides’ clause will achieve these outcomes and help to save bees and other insects.

The Environment Bill is critical for the future of biodiversity, alongside clause 75, amendments on binding long-term biodiversity targets, applying environmental principles widely, committing net gain land to nature for 125 years, and protecting the habitat regulations, must remain in the Bill to give pollinators and nature the best possible chance of survival and perhaps recovery.

Please let me know that you will vote for bees and secure Clause 75 in the Environment Bill.

Yours sincerely,


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