Pollinator Monitoring in Northern Ireland

There is widespread concern over the status of pollinators, as many insect groups including bees, butterflies, moths and hoverflies have declined dramatically in the UK and globally both in their abundance and diversity, with wild bees (bumblebees and solitary bees) showing amongst the most severe declines of any UK pollinator. We need to have a better understanding of threats and the rate of decline to be able to effectively prevent further extinctions, and restore sustainable pollinator populations in our countryside

Following the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, we aim to gather vital data on the abundance of bees, hoverflies and other flower-visiting insects across Northern Ireland. Help us to measure the health of Northern Ireland’s pollinators by taking part in an easy-to-do survey, the Flower-Insect Timed Count (FIT Count).

How to do a pollinator survey

If you can spare ten minutes to sit and watch insects and flowers you can carry out a FIT Count (Flower-Insect Timed Count)!

This simple survey collects data on the total number of insects that visit a particular flower.  FIT Counts can be done anywhere, including gardens and parks, in warm, dry weather any time from April to September.

Please do as many FIT counts as you can – at the same location, or lots of locations – the more information that you can submit, the better understanding we will have about how our pollinators are faring.

Want to get involved?

Head on over to the UK PoMS website for more information and detailed guidance.  Be sure to download the UK PoMS FIT Count appwhich will enable you to carry out a FIT Count and upload the results all in one go!

Once your counts have been saved and uploaded, you will be able to view them via the FIT Count map on the UK PoMS website.  If you need to edit your count after uploading from the app, you will need to register on the UK PoMS website, using the same email address that you used to register on the app.

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