Scottish Education Pack

Thanks to funding from The Robertson Trust and Scottish Natural Heritage, Buglife has published a marvellous minibeast education pack to educate youngsters about invertebrates.

The free download education pack is aimed at children aged 8 to 11 years, studying in Scotland. The pack includes information about Scottish bugs under threat, how to create a bug friendly garden and a bug hunting guide.

Craig Macadam, Conservation Officer, Scotland said “This pack hopes to challenge misconceptions and raise awareness of just how important invertebrates are – for people, for other animals and ecosystems and for the planet. With this pack you will be able to encourage young people to take small steps to conserve invertebrates, and encourage them to take interest in the wildlife living with and around them”.

The Marvellous Minibeasts education pack contains 4 interactive lessons and supporting worksheets. For each lesson there is a teaching plan including lesson outcomes, preparation and suggested lesson duration.

To download the free resources please click on the links below.


Supporting worksheets

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