Meadow Links

The Meadow Links project aims to create wildflower superhighways and wildlife hubs across the Yorkshire Dales, to provide connected pathways, shelter and food for our wildlife.

The project is being co-ordinated by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT), and is driven by communities who want to conserve their local wildlife and build important ‘stepping stones’ between fragmented wildlife habitats.  By creating new wildflower-rich habitats in strategically important locations across the Yorkshire Dales, Meadow Links will help to extend and improve the national B-Lines networkso that pollinators and other wildlife can move across the landscape more easily.

Working alongside Buglife, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) and Natural England Meadow Links conservation work will help create a more cohesive and resilient network for wildlife and identify areas where more action is needed.

YDMT’s Tanya St. Pierre is keen to get people involved  “We have some fantastic opportunities for people in the Yorkshire Dales area to get involved in the Meadow Links project and support their local wildlife. We’re looking for groups who would like to create a wildlife meadow in their own community space, as well as homeowners and landowners who would like to create wildlife patches that will act as stepping stones to extend the wildflower highways. These patches can be any shape or size, from hedgerows and verges to small back gardens.”

If you or your community group would like to create a community meadow or wildlife patch, please contact Tanya St. Pierre at YDMT on 015242 51002 or email [email protected]

To find out more about Meadow Links visit


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