Signal Crayfish Virtual Symposium with The Biological Recording Company

Friday 12th April, 2024 - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Join The Biological Recording Company for a knowledge-sharing event about the latest in Signal Crayfish control methods in the UK and Europe.

Invasive crayfish are one of the biggest threats to aquatic ecosystems worldwide. They can cause major adverse effects on native crayfish, invertebrates, fish and plant communities as well as bank erosion and sedimentation. The American Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) has been responsible for a massive decline in the UK’s native White-clawed Crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) due to competition and the transmission of a deadly disease, crayfish plague. It continues to expand across Great Britain and Europe, causing major negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems.

A variety of signal crayfish control methods have been attempted with varying degrees of success. This Signal Crayfish Virtual Symposium will bring together conservationists, ecologists, freshwater biologists and more to discuss the latest in Signal Crayfish control in Europe and what more can be done.

Speaker Programme

This event will feature four presentations followed by a panel discussion with the speakers:

  1. American Signal Crayfish: England Case Study with Dr Eleri Pritchard (Environment Agency)
  2. Can Fish Help Us Control Signal Crayfish? with Dr Nicky Green (Nicky Green Associates)
  3. Barriers to Stop the Spread of Invasive Crayfish with Armin Zenker and Raphael Krieg (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)
  4. Genetic ‘Immunisation’ of Invasive Species with Prof Bruce Whitelaw (University of Edinburgh)

The presentations will be recorded and shared with those who booked via a password-protected website alongside Q&A transcripts and relevant links following the event via a password-protected website.

For more information visit Eventbrite.

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