Meadow Management for Insects / Rheoli Gweirgloddiau ar gyfer Phryfed (in person)

Tuesday 2nd August, 2022 - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Conservation Centre, Forest Farm Road, Cardiff, CF14 7JJ

Meadows and other grasslands are incredibly important for our insects, they use them for feeding, breeding, hibernating, and shelter. Declines in this habitat are having serious knock-on effects on our insect populations but we can help them by creating more meadows around us.

Join us as we explore the diverse insect life found within meadows and discuss how best to manage these habitats for pollinators and other insects.

This event is being delivered as part of the ‘No Net Loss’ project, funded by Network Rail.

Mae gweirgloddiau a glaswelltiroedd eraill y tu hwnt o bwysig i’n pryfed; byddant yn eu defnyddio at fwydo, bridio, gaeafgysgu ac fel cuddfannau i osgoi ysglyfaethwyr. Mae dirywiadau yn y cynefin yma’n cael effeithiau difrifol cynyddol ar boblogaethau ein pryfed ac felly gallwn eu helpu drwy greu mwy o weirgloddiau o’n cwmpas.

Ymunwch â ni wrth i ni archwilio’r gwahanol bryfed a geir yn y gweirgloddiau yma a thrafod y ffordd orau o reoli’r cynefinoedd hyn ar gyfer peillwyr a phryfed eraill.

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