Invertebrates of our coastal habitats with Buglife Northern Ireland (online)

Thursday 15th June, 2023 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Online via Zoom

Join us to explore the invertebrates that call our coastal habitats home, and discuss the challenges these habitats and species face.

This is an introductory online talk to explore the varied coastal habitats across Northern Ireland’s expansive coast, and the threatened, rare or data deficient species that call these habitats home. Habitats such as grey dunes, soft rock cliffs, and salt marshes exist across our coastlines. Despite some site designation and protections, these habitats and sites are under conservation threat and our invertebrates are at risk.

Example threatened species of our coastline include Northern Colletes (Colletes floralis) and Narrow-mouthed Whorl Snail (Vertigo angustior).

Join us online at 7pm Thursday 15th June to discuss these challenges and find out how you can get involved! We hope to welcome some guests to talk too, and delve deeper into sites like Murlough, Co. Down.

Zoom link will be sent out by morning of 15th.

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

Funded by DAERA’s environment fund.

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