UK Endemic Species

Horrid Ground-weaver (Nothophantes horridus) © Tom Thomson (CC BY 2.0)

Half of Britain’s endemic invertebrate species are threatened with global extinction.

Worryingly, many of these species are under threat. Two species, the dance fly Poecilobothrus majesticus and Ivell’s Sea Anemone (Edwardsia ivelli) are already thought to be globally Extinct. Of the remaining endemic species, nine are threatened with global extinction and two are globally Near Threatened.

Terrestrial species appear to be at greater risk of extinction than freshwater species, but urgent action is required across the board to ensure that these endemic species have sustainable populations to reduce their risk of global extinction.Sites with populations of these endemic species are included in the identification of Important Invertebrate Areas (IIAs) – nationally or internationally significant places for the conservation of invertebrates and the habitats upon which they rely.

Extinction is forever. There is no turning back. The UK has an international responsibility to prevent the extinction of these endemic species. It is vitally important that these species, and the special places that call them home, are protected from harm and managed in the right way to protect and enhance their wildlife riches.

Read the full report

Horrid Ground-weaver (Nothophantes horridus) © John Walters Horrid Ground-weaver (Nothophantes horridus) © John Walters

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