Give Nature a Home

This project is working in the urban environment in Cardiff to enhance the area for pollinators both in community spaces and homes.

Workshops –

Pollinator identification

Have you ever struggled to identify a pollinating insect? Would you like to know the differences between bees and flies, or a honeybee and a solitary bee? This workshop will provide you with the skills necessary to recognise and identify the key groups of pollinating insect in the UK. It will also explore the surprising diversity of pollinating insect groups and explain why pollinating insects are so important to us and the natural world.

Seasonal gardening tasks for wildlife

Are you interested in wildlife gardening but in need of some inspiration? Or perhaps you are unsure of the best times to undertake different wildlife gardening tasks? This workshop will provide you with ideas of how to help wildlife in your garden or local green space and suggest the best time of year to complete these different tasks.

Creating, maintaining and enhancing habitat for pollinators

Do you own or manage a green space? Would you like to support our declining pollinating insects? If so, this is the workshop for you. This workshop will help you identify opportunities to create, maintain and enhance habitats for pollinators. Public parks, school grounds, business parks, allotments, orchards, community and private gardens, churchyards, cemeteries, urban woodland and even roadside verges all provide opportunities to benefit pollinating insects.

Help us to stop the extinction of invertebrate species

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From £3 per month, membership directly supports our vital conservation work. In return you receive member benefits and our bi-annual Buzz magazine.


Donate to support us

Our work would not be possible without your support. Bees and other invertebrates need help to reverse the catastrophic declines in their numbers. Please donate today and together we can restore vital habitats and rebuild strong populations of invertebrates in the UK.

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