Crayfish Hub

White-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes)

Welcome to the UK Crayfish Hub! Here you can find everything you need to know about our only native crayfish species, the White-clawed crayfish, its ecology, reasons for its decline, conservation projects and the latest scientific research on all aspects that concern crayfish in the UK.

You can also find information and advice on introduced crayfish species and how you can help the White-clawed crayfish. This fantastic freshwater invertebrate is very rare and its numbers are declining due to impacts from introduced crayfish species such as the North American Signal crayfish and from the damage to river and stream habitat.

The UK Crayfish Hub is a resource for everyone. It caters for ecologists, conservation professionals and managers plus people wanting to find out more about the White-clawed crayfish, invasive species and conservation projects running throughout the UK.

Within the UK Crayfish Hub you can find information for:

Crayfish for Everyone
Crayfish for Professionals
South West Crayfish Partnership
Crayfish Projects Near You

You can keep up to date on crayfish news by following us on Twitter at @crayfish_uk. If you have a question about anything crayfish related, you can also email us at [email protected].

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